Mesh Filter Manufacturers Suppliers

29 Oct.,2022


wire mesh filter

Mesh Filters

Mesh filters are made from metal and used to filter liquids in machines, industrial equipment, and many other applications of large and small sizes. A mesh filter usually consists of very fine strands of metal stacked on top of each other. Any material that isn’t small enough to pass through the tiny gaps between the pieces of metal are caught in the mesh. Filters are made using a variety of different types of metal, but stainless steel is the most common because it is easy to clean and highly resistant to corrosion.

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Applications of Mesh Filters

Mesh filters can be found in many different applications. Small mesh filters are found on the top of microphones, in the plumbing systems of many showers and taps, in dryers, and in automotive oil filters. Because mesh filters can be made with such a wide range of specifications, they can be used in literally dozens of completely different industrial and household applications. Many manufacturers of mesh filters create customized filter shapes and sizes for customers who have a unique application or for those who need replacement filters for older equipment. Mesh filters are manufactured in a variety of types that have different uses. Some filters are very fine so that they let only the smallest particles through, while others are larger and only hold back large particles in a stream.

Manufacturing Process of Mesh Filters

Manufacturers use a few different methods to create mesh filters. One method uses a machine that pulls a sheet of metal into a blade that cuts the sheet metal into a mesh pattern and collects all of the excess for later use. Another process takes individual strands of metal that are preformed and then spot welds them together. One of the most popular methods, however, is expanded metal machining. When this particular method is used, a piece of sheet metal is continuously cut and stretched by a machine that forms it into the pattern of a mesh filter. The biggest advantage of expanded metal machining is that it avoids the creation of any metal waste during manufacturing. After the mesh has been created, it is cut to the exact size that the filter needs to be for its application.